Posted in 10 English, Uncategorized, Visual text and Film making

Outsiders question

What am I missing? I am not missing there much a could use some more quotes though.

I’m I on the right track? I think that I am on the right track I am learn thing in english and I am not finding them to hard.

This may take some time and effect. Essay can take a long time to write I would like to cut that time down.

Posted in 10 English, Visual text and Film making

Pony Boy

Pony Boy:

Physical description:

Pony Boy is a greaser he is a black hair and wears his hair longer than most boys were theirs and has some of the best hair of the gang it is squared of at the back and long at the front. He has greenish grey eyes.  He is 14 years old and is in high school and he is on the track and field for running.


Lives with with his 3 brothers after his mother and father died in a car crash when boy boy was 13. His 2 brothers dropped out of school and got jobs Darry has 2 jobs to help Pony boy though school. His brothers what to stay in school as they know he can go far in school and go on to collage.


Most of Pony Boys friends come for his gang but one of his better friends is Johnny. Later in the book he makes friends with a Socials named Randy. He had no frinds at school and proffered to read his books.

How did he change?:

At the start of the book pony boy was afraid of Darry and the socials. “Soda tries to understand, at least, which is more than Darry does” Greasers can’t walk alone too much or we will get jumped” When pony boy is at the drive in movies he meet Cherry who teaches him that Socs are not that different form Greaser. They are simpler to one another. E.G. There parents don’t all ways cure. When Johnny kills Bob they both lose there innocence after the killing they run away He then learns that growing up can be hard. After they leave the church a fire starts pony boy and Johnny are they make the decision to go in side the church to save the little kids in side. Johnny is burned badly in the fire and is put is to the hospital. “I had to. They were drowning you Pony. They might have killed you. And they had a blade… They were gonna beat me up.” This is a quotes form Johnny after he killed Bob. In chapter 7 Pony boy learns that Bob was not all that he thought that he was. He all so had problems in his life. Pony boy all so now sees Randy as a human rather than a meter of the other gang. “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human, too.” In chapter rs 9 and 10 Dally and Johnny both died they were both friends of pony boy he the finds out what Robert Frost’s poem means That nothing gold can stay. The learn to move on and forget the the past.

Posted in 10 English, Uncategorized, Visual text and Film making

Bend it like Beckham

Bend it like Beckham 

In Bend it like Beckham director by Gurinda Chadha there are lots of problems facing the characters Jess and Jules such as stereotypes, religion and parents. These are problems that young people face on some occasions in their lives.

In bend it like Beckham Jess and Jules are faced with the stereotype of women can’t play sport. The director shows this by using dialogue in the from of Jules mother. “Why aren’t you more feminine?” Which is also paired with a close up of jess mum’s face. Young people face stereotyping every day in forms of responsibility and work ethic.

Jess has to over come her Indian Families religious and cultural rules. Her parents believe she shouldn’t be outside playing football but instead she should be inside learning about Indian cultural dishes. The directer showed this by dialogue in the form of Jess Mother. “Football shmootball I want you to learn full India dinner meat and vegetarian.” This is faced by young people that have moved to centuries are not very present.

In the film Jess and Jules parents do not what them to be playing football. Jess’s family have a cultural based as their house household is based around their coulter and religion. Where as Jules’s mother does not what her daughter to be playing football but her father is perfectly ok with this. This is show through the use of dialogue between Joe and Jess’s parents. Joe says “ Jess has got a lot of potential” And Jess mother replies by saying “she is a disgrace to her families name .” Young people face problems like these like being held back by their parents quite a lot.

In conclusion Bend it like beckham highlights n problem that young people face on a day to day basis such as  stereotypes, religion and parents.

In Bend it like Beckham director by Gurinda Chadha there are lots of problems facing the characters Jess and Jules such as stereotypes, religion and parents. These are problems that young people face on some occasions in their lives.

In bend it like Beckham Jess and Jules are faced with the stereotype of women can’t play sport. The director shows this by using dialogue in the from of Jules mother. “Why aren’t you more feminine?” Which is also paired with a close up of jess mum’s face. Young people face stereotyping every day in forms of responsibility and work ethic.

Jess has to over come her Indian Families religious and cultural rules. Her parents believe she shouldn’t be outside playing football but instead she should be inside learning about Indian cultural dishes. The directer showed this by dialogue in the form of Jess Mother. “Football shmootball I want you to learn full India dinner meat and vegetarian.” This is faced by young people that have moved to centuries are not very present.

In the film Jess and Jules parents do not what them to be playing football. Jess’s family have a cultural based as their house household is based around their coulter and religion. Where as Jules’s mother does not what her daughter to be playing football but her father is perfectly ok with this. This is show through the use of dialogue between Joe and Jess’s parents. Joe says “ Jess has got a lot of potential” And Jess mother replies by saying “she is a disgrace to her families name .” Young people face problems like these like being held back by their parents quite a lot.

In conclusion Bend it like beckham highlights n problem that young people face on a day to day basis such as  stereotypes, religion and parents.

Posted in 10 English, Creative writing, Uncategorized

dragon school short story




Dragon School

Chapter 1

By Liam

I want you to meet a special little dragon. This little dragon is about to start a little adventure. In the human realm lets meet him now here we are look its little Drake the dragon. Say drake

“Hi every one”

What are you doing today drake

“I’m going to school yay” wow your going to school in the human realm. How do you think you will

“I hope in will make friends and the won’t treat me differently because I’m a dragon” you should be fine Drake just be you and you’ll fit in for shaw.

“I hope so well I better hurry or I will late for my first class”

Ok see you at school Drake. Later that day drake arrived at the front gates of his new school he turned back and smiled at me I waved see u after school

Drake. Drake went to his new class room he introduced his self to his new teacher

“hi sir my name is Drake” he lifted his head slowly the dropped back down fast.

Um sir where will I be sitting today he didn’t speak he started to shake with anger

He whispered with anger  “just sit down and work” but sir we have no work sir “well just work then ” but… Just as I said that a boy and his friends came over to me and

Introduced themselves “Hey mate you must be new this year my name is bard and you” My name is Drake “cool well drake these are a few of my mates on my left we have Chucky the chuckster ” this massive kid leaned over to speak with his deep British accent he said “Hello mate my names Chucky of Chuck for short” his appearance was so goofy but his voice was Deep Hi Chuck my name is Drake.

And on my right we have coco this shy girl dressed in all black and red hair came out from behind brad “Hi my name coco” here voice was soft and she had a small appearance she was very chill and didn’t do much be look down to the floor with the hood over her head l here red here with with a black strip down the middle covers here eye on the left like she was trying to hide something.

Wait so you guys don’t care that I’m different as in I’m a dragon. ” No not at all little dude I think it’s cool ”

chuck came out from behind me with a bag of chips in his hand

“Yeah man it cool with us ” Brad looked up from behind me suddenly a bid shadow came from behind me brad froze with fear

“I told you guys to sit down”

I turned my head around slowly it was my teacher steering right at me.

“Well we where but we weren’t “the teacher didn’t look very happy at us” well get on with it sit down by the why drake my name is Mr Boon ” Chucky had a little giggle

“What was that Chucky” His eyes lit up with anger “um nothing sir” Chucky sounded worried “good” Mr Boon walked back to his desk and read the paper.

“Well” Brad said in a “who wants to piss of the new teacher what about you Drake” I froze for a second. “Well” my mind reset “nah nah I don’t want to get told of”

Was that the right choice will the still want to be my friends or did I make a big mistake. “come on” I thought about it again “nah no it’s not a good idea”

Brad huffed “ok mate you’re choice and they all walked away.

At lunch we all went outside to the fields suddenly I was surrounded by Brad and his gang but there was someone else as I was just about to answer Brad the kid pulled a sling shot from behind his back ” this is what you get for not doing what I say drake”

Suddenly the kid fired a rock right at my stomach when I looked up the were gone.

Chapter 2

By Sam.C

Drake was bullied by the human kids just because of his spices they were afraid of him so they never come face to face with only yell insulates half was across the hallway so that he could not harm them. But he would not hurt a fly he is a gentle giant. He hates people but he would never hunt one. No one would go close to him after he burst out at one of the bullies and put him into the hospital. Ever was unsure of what he could do so they stay away from him because of what he did. He now sits at the back end of the field with no friends we fell bad for him but we did not want to go near him so it was fro him to make friends. He was  just awkward he is hard to make friends with people how you were told were make believe.

I walk home with my head in clouds dreaming of what life could have been if we lived in the dragon world no bullying because I was a dragon. I walk in the door at home and mum said: “how was you day?” At that point in time, he burst into tears. As the tears red a fire rolled down his face she then released something was not right. As help walk upstairs his mum started to think what could be wrong with his day at school. Maybe his teacher was mean maybe he was being bullied that could be it he is being bullied because of what he is a dragon!!! Now how can I fix this she thought to herself. “He could move schools there is one down the road for my work I could drop his of. I will she how tomorrow and then talk to him about it tomorrow.” She said. As she walked upstairs she heard the slam of a door then a plant click of the door locking.

As he lay in bed think about how he could fix this he tough about trying to make friends but that is he tried to do today and look where it got him being bullied with no friends. As he fell asleep he started to felt scared he slowly drifted off to sleep. He woke early scared of what will happen today as he walked down stairs thoughts were racing through his mind like how was today going to go. As he walks to school if someone from school score him they would cross to the other side of the road as he walked into the school gates everyone ran and hide apart form to the boy how would walk up to Drake and start yelling things like “scale-skinned hot head”. He walk through school sad and depressed he went and sat where he did yesterday the back corner of the field. As the bell rang he stood up and walk to class. He sat at the back quiet not saying a word as the lesson started he sat at the back and did his work at interval the same thing happened “scale-skinned hot head” and at lunch “scale-skinned hot head” he left school sad and not knowing not to do. He walks into the house and his mum told him to sit down and let her talk to him. Drake was scared of what might come next. His mum said she knows about the bullying and ask if he would like to move schools drake says that he will think about it overnight. as Drake sat in bed think about what a new school would be like maybe making new friends and maybe not getting bullied Drake was set on the idea he was moving schools as he walks down the steps his mum ask if he had made his mind up? Drake then said I am moving schools.

Chapter 3

by Logan

Drake walked into school scared and shaking everyone saw him. Drake saw 5 or so people chatting about him.  ”what is that” said the kid. And drake just froze in fear he was a lot more scared then usual people because he was a dragon. And moving to a human school would be quite hard. But one of the humans walked up to him and said “hi my names Josh. Do you wanna hang at lunch”. Drake said “yea sure”.

Lunchtime came and josh said to meet at the canteen. And drake was confused where to go so he asked around and one person showed him where to go and he saw josh but while he was walking towards josh one of the bullies walked up to him and said “yuck what is this filthy maggot doing here”. But josh walked up to the bully and said “back off “and the bully said “or else”. What drake didn’t know about his friend is really good at kung Fu. Josh asks if drake wants something and drake responds with no I’m good I’ve got a nice lunch so they go to the turf and play soccer for the whole of lunch after the last class he goes home and asks mum if he can play soccer because he really enjoyed playing soccer with his friend today but he real misses his best friends chucky and coco they goofiest and best friends a dragon could have. “son dinners ready” said his dad. The rest of the night passes 

The morning comes. Drake wakes up gets dressed and makes lunch and has breakfast and josh knocks on the door to see if drake wants to walk to school with him. “Hey” said drake. “hey” said Josh and both start walking to school and are chatting about the teachers and what happened yesterday. 10 minutes later they arrive at school and see the bully that was their yesterday. Seating on a seat lonely and looking quite sad so they decide to talk to the bully. Ring Ring! Goes the bell and it is form class. “These are the notices” said the teacher and drake sees football signups and he really enjoyed football at his old school with chucky and coco. Drake still missed them a lot. Drake asked josh about the football signups. Josh said that they were at the gym and said to meet him at the canteen so he can show him where it is. Theirs only a couple of minutes left of class and everyone is packing up to go to lunch. The bell rings and drake starts sprinting to the canteen hoping he want get bullied and he gets to the canteen and doesn’t see josh anywhere but josh taps him on the shoulder but there is another human standing next to josh and josh introduces Tim and Tim’s so excited because drake is a dragon man was Tim’s specific words. So they start walking to the gym and see everyone around them laughing or making bad comments like “he’s so ugly” they finally get to the gym and everyone laughs at them even for thinking of playing any sort of sport. Their all humiliated but drake still signs up for soccer because he really enjoys it but then he gets in the back of the head with a soccer ball. By ollie one of the cool kids Drake gets quite upset because of this and all the cool kids start saying get out here mutt and start laughing at him. The next day passes and it is trials for soccer and drake is pumped and is stilled annoyed about that ollie kid and the day passes and he is at soccer trials and sees ollie they start training and all the cool kids in the team start teasing drake and when they get back they play a game and drake is versing the cool kids with the rest of the team and ollie is goalkeeper. About 20 minutes into the game drake gets a shot for goal and shoots and megs the goalie and scores and everyone heard about this and from today on he doesn’t get teased has lots of friends and one amazing friend. To Be Cotinued


Reflection what…

  • CRJ/CPJ-
  • In a CRJ all money you have been to for sales or services and all cash payments 
  • CPJ ins a book of what the expense that the buninss has  in the
  • particulars account name
  • receipts another name is till or cash register
  • do all entries have get? no (loan wages capital drawings term deposit)
  • mean of Closing off? total at the end (do not total receipts/bank = sum of all columns
  • when do you put money in the bank column? at the end of the day our if payed by direct credit, debits or internet transfer
  • is there any order to transaction? yes date order
  • for how long do you keep entering transient in to the journal monthly
  • what do you call cash that the owner for personally uses takes? dawnings
  • how do you split gst? divide by 1.15